Welcome To Lionel Burks Affordable Benefits



Rising health care costs punish our nation on multiple fronts. For families and seniors, the soaring cost of medical care means less money in their pockets and forces hard choices about balancing food, rent and needed care. For federal, state, and local governments, rising health care costs lead to higher Medicare and Medicaid costs and reduced funding on other priorities such as infrastructure, education, and public safety.

While there is no simple formula for lowering the growth in health care costs, stakeholders have long recognized that there are many areas where common ground can be found. You can make better choices about your health care coverage once you know what your health insurance options are. Let's start with the basics.

• Health insurance helps protect you against the high costs of health care.
• It works like other types of insurance where you pay a monthly payment (premium) and the insurance company promises to pay certain costs.
• Most people are required to have health insurance or pay a penalty.

Health plans are playing an important role in lowering health care costs. Health plans are partnering with providers to create innovative, high-value payment systems to reward value and quality over volume.

Lionel Burks benefits programs are not insurance, nor are they an alternative to or substitution for insurance coverage, we can provide affordable family health plan. Costs of health care have gone up faster than wages and honestly, it is ridiculous. It is time to go and change those numbers, make a difference and make it right.

Help us spread the news that it is now possible to access affordable dental, vision, prescription, chiropractic and medical programs for their entire household. We can provide services in McKinney, Plano, Dallas, Richardson, Garland, and many other nearby cities as well. We are there to help you solve all your medical finances problems. Call us for more information. Learn More

Service Areas:

  • McKinney
  • Plano
  • Dallas
  • Richardson
  • Garland